Category Tools and measurement

SOTAbeams Go4Lo SWR-Power Indicator kit


Adrian PA0RDA heard about the SOTAbeams Go4Lo SWR-Power Indicator. Since it has an audible SWR indicator, it sounded interesting for blind operators. So he ordered a kit and asked me to build it. This article discusses my findings regarding this…

Step attenuator kit


I’m the proud owner of a MiniVNA for quite a few years already. One of its features is that you can use it as an RF signal generator. However, the output power cannot be adjusted, so I needed an attenuator.…

Simple signal tracer


I found a really simple project for kids to attract them to homebrewing and hamradio. It is also very nice for people who want to learn soldering electronics. It’s a “signal tracer”, which means it detects all kinds of RF…

Adapter for LC meter


The dutch electronics shop Van Dijken Elektronica sells a nice kit to build your own LC meter. The kit includes a professional PCB, all components, building instructions, prepared case and leads. The kit takes an evening to assemble, the result…

Altoids L-tuner


A while ago Tjeerd PA3GNZ donated me some Barkleys mint tins (identical to the famous Altoids tins), which are rather popular by QRP builders to house small homebrew stuff. Two weeks later I found a czech webshop, offering a kit…

The “PoRG”


The “PoRG” is a very simple but useful device in your ham shack. “PoRG” is an abbreviation for “Power over RG-cable” and allows you to put DC on your antenna cable. Some people call it a phantom power supply. With…