Category ATV

This category contains all posts related to the subject “Amateur TeleVision”.

Short DL6WU yagi for 23cm


In the previous Winter I built a HB9CV-in-a-box for 23cm for my uplink to the local ATV repeater PI6ATV. Although this antenna works nicely, its gain just isn’t enough when their 23cm preamp is broken (which, unfortunately, is the case…

PC6REC ATV station


During the 2014 edition of the REC Fielddays I facilitated a live videofeed,  broadcasted throughout the Netherlands. Using three cameras and a bunch of (mostly) vintage hardware, the live stream was uplinked to the local ATV repeater PI6ATV. Viewers could…

Stereo to mono converter


My TV camera generates stereo audio, like most cameras do. However, my local ATV repeater only supports mono audio. So to transmit a nice audio signal with my TV pictures, I needed a way to convert the stereo signal to…

HB9CV-in-a-box antenna for 23cm


The HB9CV has been a popular antenna for decades, especially on the 2m band where it is commonly used for direction finding (foxhunt). Others create arrays of HB9CV antennas for DXing. Since I needed a simple antenna for 23cm (to…

ATV image generator using the Raspberry PI


I’ve got a Raspberry PI for a while already, but it hasn’t been very useful until today. I recently started setting up my own ATV (Amateur TeleVision) station. I needed a simple solution to generate a test pattern, something to…

First ATV transmission


I’m working on a 23cm ATV transmitter. A couple of years ago I already bought some modules from PE1ACB: a baseband modulator, a 23cm ATV transmitter (output 1 watt) and a controller unit. Today I hooked up all modules, together…