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Best dutch participant in AGCW contest


The AGCW is a german club of morse code enthousiasts, maybe the best CW club in the world, with lots of foreign members as well. They organize all kinds of small activities, related to CW off course, one of them…

Summary of our 2014 PACC contest


Another PACC contest for me and Adrian PA0RDA. This year we participated in the D1 multi-operator two-transmitter class for the first time. We did a very good job, we improved our own score, again, which is always our main goal…

Successful contest

The PACC 2012 contest was a great success for us, we doubled our score of last year! Our claim: 843 QSOs x 153 multipliers = 128979 points.

Contest after heavy winds


The first weekend of February was really windy. The rough wind ruined the just finished HEDZ, and nearly nocked down the other antennas. And there was nothing I could do, since I was suffering from influenza. I recovered during the…